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Why Closeli

Go from box to watch in under 3 minutes.
View anywhere
View anywhere
Live stream to your iPhone, Android, iPad, and your computer.
Instant Alerts
Instant Alerts
Instant sound, motion, and error alerts go direct to your phone.
Big & Beautiful
Big & Beautiful
Watch in full 720p HD, streamed to any device.
Schedule recordings and remotely control your camera. Location awareness switches it off when you get home.
Video encryption for your peace of mind.
Optional Backup
Optional Backup
Automatically save all video in our Cloud service and save clips of your favorite recordings.
Optional facial tracking
Optional facial tracking
Knows the difference between your kids and that car in the background.

Is It For Me?

Moms and Dads
Moms and Dads
Feel safer seeing exactly when the kids get home from school.
Pet Parents
Pet Parents
Monitor older pets or just be sure they’re staying out of trouble.
Safety Lovers
Safety Lovers
Anyone who wants to protect their investment when away from home.


You’ll need a couple things to enjoy Closeli:

Requirement Filler
Requirement Shadow
Requirement Phone
Smartphone, tablet or computer
Smartphone, tablet or computer
iOS 6+
Android 4+
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
WEP, WPA, WPA2 encryption supported
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
High speed Internet Connection, such as DSL or cable
High speed Internet Connection, such as DSL or cable
upload speed needs to be above 1.8 Mbps for each camera